Cheng Xin Mother Support Group

Soul Gas Station for Girls

Article by Xue-yi Ku/Translation by Judy

Last winter, we set up Cheng Xin Group mainly for mothers, previously helped by Cathwel Service, to have time for a break. One afternoon of every month, mothers whether chose to surrender their children for adoption or to keep their children by themselves can get together. They can talk freely about the hardship and sweetness of taking care of kids, or the reluctance and missing of their surrender children.  They may pick up the dreams they once had, and give encouragement to each other.
Cathwel Service is a second-home for many girls or mothers. A group member, on the first gathering, mentioned that she could only attend the “MMH Gathering” every December to meet her previous roommates or personnel who had taken care of them.(Cathwel invites mothers who have lived here to gather through the MMH Gathering  every year.)  Now in Cheng Xin Group, she can come back here every month to meet everybody, talk about the lost feeling of denial from outside world, and look for the courage of facing the unfriendly society together.
During the short two-hour period, members can settle down in placid moods through meditation, exchange recent developments or stories through free mood-broadcasting-station, and discuss at ease about their children, their thoughts about life or self-examination of their living environment through different crafts’ creation. Cathwel Service, through the monthly gathering of Cheng Xin, looks forward to providing long-term regular supportive service and fuel that these struggling girls need.  The sincerity and care among group members are the key sources of their energy. The companionship and attachment of one another will enable girls to face the challenges and to make themselves glow.