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Lumen- December 2022

News about Roots-Finding Trip 2023

Roots-Finding Trip for the year of 2023 is canceled. Currently, Cathwel keeps providing families or individuals in need with searching for roots although it is difficult to have reunions. We wish everything returns normal soon and look forward to holding the next trip in the year of 2024, God willing.


Greetings from Cathwel

By Yenchi Ting

In 2022, we spent a lot of time responding to the epidemic and experienced several times of lockdowns in Jonah House because our toddlers and juveniles tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, due to the new system of working hours at night under the Labor Standards Act, we have also gone through changes in the way of working shifts.

This is a year full of challenges, but also a year of growth and gratitude! It turns out that the Lord leads us to new creations through many “powerlessness;” He also leads us to reflect on ourselves humbly through “conflicts and difficulties.” Special thanks to the Society of Jesus, MAGIS Youth Center for opening the venue, supporting our services with action and helping us reach out to the area of Taipei city center; thanks to the benefactors of the “Going the Extra Mile” program who encouraged us to challenge the impossible.

The children’s frowns and smiles are also the driving force for us to keep moving forward. Sr. Rosa’s love brings our hearts together even more. After she moved back last November, she continues to demonstrate her vulnera- bility bravely and unreservedly, which warms our hearts deeply and gives us power and love.

Special thanks to all the friends who have supported us this year. Because of your trust and selfless dedication, we have been able to spend this year safely. God will repay you Himself.

Merry Christmas to all our friends and your families.
Wishing you peace and good health in 2023!

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